You can't just tell Windows "use this SID" you have to authenticate to the account associated with the ID to be in that user's security context. N.b.: I've obfuscated my SID above but there's nothing you could do with my SID even if you had it. But a) if for some reason you want to put it back, you can, just name it back and b) next time the problem happens, if you've forgotten this fix, a registry search on "Sound Forge" plus a bit of checking will remind you what to do. SF never looks for that key so as far as SF is concerned the key is not there it works just as well as deleting. I rename mine from "11.0" to "11.0_delete_the_other_one_to_fix_reg_problem". One other point: If it makes you nervous to delete the registry key you can just rename it to something else. Given the above SID, the registry key I want would be HKEY_USERS \ S-1-5-21-184784223-2718281828-3141592653-1001_Classes > VirtualStore > MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Wow6432Node > Sony Creative Software > Sound Forge >

The four-digit number at the end will be "1000" for the local Administrator account if you enable it, "1001" for the first user account created on the machine, etc. (Or, if you're in a domain, they're common to the domain, and instead of "yourcomputername" you'll see your domain name.) The three ten-digit numbers in the SID are unique to each machine, but common to all accounts on the same machine (the "machine ID").

One way to find it is to go to a command prompt (Windows-R cmd) and use the whoami command: C:\Users\yourusername> whoami /user If you have more than one user account then you need to pick your own for this fix to be effective. If you only have one user account on your machine there will only be one of these keys in the registry, so it is easy. A couple of notes on the _Classes part of the registry key string: